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Mt. Rainier

Sample Panoramas

the Art of Geography has captured thousands of panoramas of wilderness and natural areas. Each panorama is based on 10-16 overlapping shots stitched together and tested to meet stringent quality standards.

View Sample Panoramas



Compare the scope of a panorama with a single shot and you'll see why we think they are the best way to capture what it's like to be somewhere.



360 degree Panoramic Photography

After ten years, 360 degree virtual reality is mainstream

The next level of photography, 360 degree panoramas, also called virtual reality (VR), immerses the viewer in a location. With VR, you can pan around, look up or down, and even zoom in to examine details. A virtual tour links multiple VRs together using a map to allow exploration of a whole park, preserve, or threatened area.

Virtual Reality (VR) has become a popular tool for showing what it's like to be somewhere. That's because the sense of immersion the viewer gets from VR is much more compelling than looking at flat photos, and a critical mass of users have DSL or cable bandwidth suitable for viewing rich interactive media. At the Art of Geography, we have been shooting high quality virtual reality panoramas for over ten years. Our panoramas are produced for maximum viewer impact and visual quality, so much so that other photographers frequently ask us how we do it.

We specialize in capturing the essence of wilderness, park or preserve lands using VR and integrating the panoramas into a website or other presentation. Our high impact photographic VR has applications for:

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